Thursday, 2 November 2017

"Feminist Fight Club" by Jessica Bennett

Title: Feminist Fight Club: An Office Survival Manual for a Sexist Workplace
Author: Jessica Bennett

Feminist Fight Club provides an arsenal of weapons for surviving in an unequal world. You will learn how to fight micro-aggressions, correct unconscious bias, deal with male colleagues who can't stop 'manterrupting' or 'bro-propriating' your ideas - and how to lean in without falling the f*ck over. Every woman needs this book - and they needed it yesterday.

Jo's review:
This book is amazing. It's a serious research on sexism and unconscious bias in the workplace written in an extremely funny way. Empowering, motivating and hilarious. There are six chapters and each and every one of them is filled with smart advice on how to fight with patriarchy and stereotypes. The book is packed with relatable anecdotes, possible scenarios and their realistic solutions. Every working woman would profit from reading "Feminist Fight Club", I feel like the chapter about negotiation is, hands down, the best piece of advice about negotiation I've ever got. The same goes for the chapter about learning to speak up. It would make a great gift to literally every working woman. It's a quick read but I'm sure I'll keep coming back to it for reference.

Favourite part:
"There is no right way to read this bookRead it front to back, open it in the middle, or treat it like a cookbook: flip to the sections you like best, write in the margins, take notes in the back, tear out pages, or slide them underneath your boss's door. The goal is to provide you with battle tactics: simple, easy to follow, effective tricks for combating sexist, subtly sexist and sometimes just oblivious behaviors that exist in even our most progressive offices."


  1. books like this make me happy that they exist, I really need to read these more

  2. Hi Jo, thank you for dropping by Pen and Paper.

    Sad that in 2017 books like this are necessary but given that they are I'm glad that this one was so good.

  3. Oooh I love the sound of this and am totally adding it to my list :) as Tracy said above though, it is really sad that it's 2017 and we still need books like this.
